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  • Step 1

    Break down your content into manageable steps. Use videos, images, and text to explain your main points, and set clear expectations and goals. You can also include files and audio as additional resources. Consider adding a questionnaire to ask participants what they hope to take away from the experience, or a quiz to test their understanding before getting started.

  • Introduction

    Start off your program by giving some basic information about what participants can expect to learn. Introduce the topic and provide a basic outline of what's to come using videos, images, and text.

  • The Purpose of Meditation

    The purpose of meditation is to transform our thoughts and awaken our mind to our inner world and the external world around us. As we practice meditation, our way of seeing ourselves, our minds and bodies, alters through a process of becoming increasingly sensitive and aware. When our minds have access to calmness and clarity, our ability to perceive ourselves becomes more intuitive and direct, and we begin to understand ourselves with greater depth and compassion. Meditation is an art of simplicity. When we are able to focus on calming the mind and our thoughts, we can free ourselves from anger, confusion, self-pity, habitual reactions, and tension (to name a few things). When we learn the skills to help us, each as individuals, become calm and discover a way to be at peace with ourselves, that is when our personal transformation occurs. The more you practice mindfulness and meditation, the more you will notice increasing skillfulness, wisdom, and care for yourself and others. Meditation introduces us to the life of our mind, body and spirit. Meditation is learning how to observe your thoughts without judgment and learning how to better understand them. Meditation is a skill and an experience. Our individual meditation practices rely on our personal exploration and experiences. It helps us learn how we see the world around us and the way the world affects us. By allowing yourself to be in the present moment through your meditation practice, you can slow down your racing thoughts and anxieties and deal with stress. As you continue your practice, you may find you feel more connected to yourself and those around you. I hope you’re excited to start on this journey of transformation.

  • Setting yourself up for success when meditating

    Come to a comfortable seat. You can sit on a chair, feet planted on the ground. Spine nice and tall. You can sit on the floor, couch or bed in a crossed-legged seat. Spine nice and tall. Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath. Take a nice deep slow inhale through the nose; fill up the lungs with air. Then exhale through the nose or month, emptying as much breath as you can. When you notice your mind starting to wander—don’t worry, it’s just human nature—return your focus to your breath. Maybe say the words INHALE and EXHALE on each breath to give you something to focus on.

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