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  • 15 Days Squat Challenge

    Squats are one of the best ways to strengthen your hips, abs, quadriceps and hamstrings. Better yet, you can do them anywhere, anytime. The challenge consists of 5 exercises that make up one set. You will start off slowly completing 25 reps total, working your way up to as many as 150 reps on day 15. No equipment is required. However, if you’d like to increase the intensity you may add free weights or a band around your thighs for the exercises. If it is too challenging for you, use a wall or chair for support

  • Exercise 1: Squat

    Start with feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your arms down by your sides. Keep your back neutral. Don’t arch your back and stick your butt out. Tuck your tailbone under and lower your butt and back down as if sitting into a chair. Lower as far as you comfortably can, being mindful that your knees should not extend past your toes. Keep your chest upright as you move backward. Hold for a count, then push back up to the start position to complete one rep. You can hold a dumbbell for more of a challenge or put a band around your thighs.

  • Exercise 2: Squat with Back Leg Lift

    Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Squat back and down then immediately push up and lift one leg back behind you as high as you can with your foot flexed while trying to keep your back as straight and upright as possible. Lower your leg back down to starting position as you come back into your squat and then repeat the move on the other side. This is one rep. You may use a chair if needed for balance, or to increase intensity hold weights in both hands.

  • Exercise 5: Curtsy Lunge

    Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Step back crossing your right foot so the top of your right foot makes contact with the ground in line with the outside of your left foot. Lower until your front thigh is roughly parallel to the ground then push back up and return the right foot alongside the left foot in the start position and lower down to squat. Step back crossing the left foot so the top of the foot makes contact with the outside of the right foot repeating lunge and return foot back to center. This is one set. To increase intensity you may hold weights.

  • Day 3: 2 sets

    Do 2 sets with 6 reps of each exercise per set.

  • Day 7: 2 Sets

    Do 2 sets with 8 reps of each exercise.

  • Day 15: 5 Sets

    Do 5 sets with 6 reps of each exercise.

  • Try Something New 🥦

    Sometimes fruits and veggies can actually be...exciting. Have you ever cut into the skin of a dragon fruit or starfruit? Have you tasted pomelo? Many grocery stores have a large selection of produce. Next time you’re in the store, look around for something to catch your eye. You just might find your new favorite snack.

  • Help Yourself 🍅

    It’s tempting to grab a cookie at work or a piece of candy while you’re driving if there’s nothing else around. Make healthy options available for yourself. Bring a banana in your bag, or a container of sliced kiwi if you’re needing some clean sugar. It’s okay to have a treat now and then, but give yourself access to fruits and veggies. You’ll start choosing those more and more.

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